Triangle Sect: Civilization; RNN East; discovered by Dr. Malcolm Hutchinson; 1822. The Triangle Sect are called so not because they are shaped like triangles, which would be absurd (ed: Jonathan stop adding personal voice to the encyclopedia entries, please), but because they worship triangles and fractal-based patterns.
The Triangle Sect was first discovered by and named by Dr. Malcolm Hutchinson, who stumbled upon the remains of the a Triangle Sect city deep within the eastern half of the RNN (note: hey boss we need to assign this entry to someone still). Upon excavation, Hutchinson learned the civilization was rather advanced, with thousands of writings, including the most famous, Triangle Bestiary (See Triangle Bestiary).
As for the Triangle Sect people, they worshipped triangles because they discovered they were a means to “transport oneself between worlds,” which we’ve since interpreted as between life and death (I think this is a ridiculous theory, it makes far more sense that they’d be for moving in and out of the RNN -J). Triangles were found everywhere in the site Hutchinson discovered, including etched into buildings, and on jewelry worn around the necks of the skeletal remains of the people. Curiously, the triangle jewelry has since shown up all over the world. Most recently (stop using “most recently” Jonathan, encyclopedias aren’t supposed to have a sense of time), a professor’s lecture, “Portals Into the Contextless Space in a Visual Transference of Disturbed Plains” has been linked to one of these triangles, though the professor has since disappeared (hey production people! I’m noting here that I’m using this as a source and we should add it to the list of sources at the back, I missed it earlier).
The Triangle Sect was a farming culture, primarily focused in beets and other root vegetables. They lived in large lodges housing people in multiples of 12, though it’s unclear how such housing affected their interpersonal relationships. While they have a lot of writing, none of it seems to be related to cultural history, so it’s difficult to parse out what they did when they weren’t farming. With the hundreds of texts all lacking authorship, some scholars believe they were a “fiction-based culture” where everyone used their free time to tell stories. No other art beyond the written word has ever been found.